Christena Reckless
Christena will not only be joining us for the Denver Convention in September, but she will also be hosting several events leading up to the Convention as we work to bind together the Arts Communities and provide continued exposure and education to the Colorado scene.
A qualified representative of all things alt and a truly fierce advocate for equality and inclusion, Christena has put in the work in her own life and on Social Media to prove again and again that communication on level ground is what drives people forward in a positive manner. She also has jokes. Lots of them. Do yourself a favor and follow along on her socials and with our schedules as we announce Meet-and-Greet and Social Events throughout the 2024 Season!

Sabrina Sins
If you've been to any of our promotional events, you've likely already met or at least seen Sabrina. And if not at one of the events we're attending, one of the dozens of other events she is participating in on one level or another throughout the year. Or TikTok. Or Instagram. Or any other social media platform, as she seems to have become a zen master of sorts in the ways of the Reel.
A tattoo artist herself, Sabrina is not only representing us as an Ambassador at our events and conventions, but acting as a liaison amongst the community and all the amazing and talented artists from all walks and backgrounds. Sabrina will be participating in several of the events during the convention in September, and will also be available to tattoo a few pieces!
Tattoo Account